The promise of financial freedom lured you into the world of side gigs. But the cruel truth is, it's eclipsing your dream career instead. Every client, every deadline, is a nail in the coffin of your creative ambitions.
Tired of trading soul for salary? You're a creative powerhouse trapped in a business nightmare.
I've swapped boardrooms for brainstorms, spreadsheets for sketchpads. I used a decade as a "shake things up" c-suite exec and another as a digital content pioneer to hone my strategies. And then shaped them exclusively for artsy types with bold dreams. Let's revolutionize your process, optimize your income, and reclaim your passion.
You deserve a life where passion and profit coexist in harmony. Let's transform your side hustle into a well-oiled machine that fuels your artistic fire. HERE'S HOW WE CAN WORK TOGETHER
Have you found the sweet spot between your skills and the thing people in your market desperately need? Do you actually like doing it, and do it efficiently?
There are dozens of time-sucks that drain away our energy - identify the ones that impact you most and learn what to do about it!
Imagine: You've streamlined your delivery process into a tidy efficient framework. You're crystal clear on selling yourself to the right audience with an automated time effective process for getting found. In the end, you have 50% of your time to dedicate to your own art.
Are you just not sure why things aren't clicking? Join a group session to uncover which of the 5 secrets to side-gig success you're missing + how to fix it fast.
Now's the time to right the ship. You need a captain to jump in your boat and lead you? I will strategize, coach, & design your systems. And even help build them.
Business strategy isn't your forté, and you aren't trying to be a mogul. But there is a recipe and you have the ingredients already!
Want to know exactly what you need to make your time:money ratio fund & fuel your passion project?